Tips for public speaking and business development.
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Wow! What an amazing workshop. I had no idea I relied so heavily on my written script for public speaking. I had the opportunity to use my new-found skills at the Jonathan Club for a fashion show and did not use my customary crutch.
I will admit to using an outline, but really surprised myself that I was able to get all the information out with only that little prompt. I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes and forcing me to no longer rely on a tool that had actually become a handicap.
You and David have equipped me with tips that will transfer in every facet of my personal and professional life. I truly believe this is only the beginning of something new for me. Your workshop was a life-changing experience.
Thank you, Deborah and David, for a very productive and important workshop yesterday. I have many take-a-ways that I can apply immediately.
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