As a speaking event approaches, many people imagine everything that might derail them, from their PowerPoint failing, and difficult attendees, to not being prepared, or losing their voice.
Tom Hanks began his writing career with a farewell appreciation letter to his makeup artist. Danny Striepeke had transformed Hanks in his most famous roles, so Hanks wanted to honor and do justice by him.
One of Croatia’s most popular sites is Dubrovnik. Constructed in the 12th century as a fortress, the remarkable limestone walls lining this city are beautiful as well as protective.
In the Eloqui Communication Index, the demeanor type most afflicted by analysis paralysis is what we call the Analyzer. Analyzers are those individuals most excited by data and research.
Recently, a bright star fell from the firmament of jazz. Elegant, adventurous guitar master and composer John Abercrombie leaves behind a body of work that runs from classic jazz and jazz-rock fusion, to avant-garde improvisation.
Only senior management knows how stressful presentations to Boards of Directors can be. Prolacta Bioscience had us prep them when they were pitching their Board to approve the purchase of a new facility.
Tips for public speaking and business development.