Paul Cox believes the combination of an ethnobotanist, bats, and Jackson Hole, Wyoming holds the key to defeating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and ALS. He's assembled a consortium of scientists for this very purpose. Because Cox isn't working for big Pharma, he's not constrained by their procedures. Recently, his Brain Chemistry Labs in Wyoming have had some promising breakthroughs. One came in Guam while testing local bat stew.
What is the relevance of bat stew to speaking and communicating? Eloqui advocates breaking the mold in everything from structuring content and PowerPoint, to team presenting. Read Steven Johnson's Where Good Ideas Come From, and you'll notice that inventions and breakthroughs usually derive from those with a deep hunger and inquisitive intellect-- not necessarily from experts in a specific field.
When you approach your next presentation, free yourself from orthodox constraints. No one ever advanced their career or area of endeavor by thinking inside the box-- especially trailblazers like Einstein, Beyonce, or Steve Jobs. Make 2019 your year to break the mold, and make your presentations suit your style and creativity. And avoid bat stew.