Waiting for a flight in the Burbank airport, we heard this curious term from an unexpected source. A boy in dinosaur pajama bottoms and tousled hair was holding forth with his mom. Deborah asked, “How old are you?” He proudly announced, “almost seven!” Max is one remarkable kid. When we asked his mom how he mastered such an advanced vocabulary, she told us he listens to podcasts. The curious mind is a sponge.
Over the holidays, we reflect on what we achieved and what we want to accomplish in the coming year. One thing we recommend is to expand your vocabulary, which activates your thinking and fires your imagination. You have to see words and their meaning in order to use them properly. Also, complicated words make your facial muscles work harder and your hearing becomes acutely attuned to new sounds.
Like Max, we want you to stand out. We’re not saying to be like the Pedant in Shakespeare, tossing language around to dazzle and impress, but to develop a palette uniquely suited to describe your services, products, or programs. By eliminating common and overused terms, you’ll surprise your audience and breathe fresh air into your presentations. Be bioluminescent in word and deed. Thanks, Max, and Happy Holidays.