Briefly Speaking

For the past 23+ years, we’ve sent out a speaker tip, quote and word every Sunday morning. Our tip has always been free because we believe in providing value. And we know how important it is to have tools from the professionals’ playbook-- to engage audiences, manage speaker anxiety, and find your own voice.

Briefly Speaking is a 3-book compendium of our weekly tips, updated and arranged so you can quickly access your desired topic and put these new skills into practice.

We wrote Briefly Speaking because we were tired of hearing boring, forgettable and old-fashioned speakers.

There is a better way. The Eloqui methodology is based on our directing and acting careers in entertainment. But we had to adapt performance skills for business professionals. And with Briefly Speaking, we drew upon examples from entertainment, sports, politics, media, literature, and the world around us. Because attention precedes comprehension.

With these three books, when we can’t be there for you, you’ll have tools to organize and structure presentations… When “stuff” happens, you’ll know how to quickly readjust, especially when the outcome is critical… We’ll spark your creativity and stimulate your imagination… You’ll have safety nets. And you’ll learn how to draw from your life experience to be the most effective speaker you can be.

Even with the Amazon launch on September 3rd, we’re offering this 3-book set to you for a discount, signed and with free shipping. (

And if you order 3 or more copies for your team, colleagues, friends of family, we’ll discount your pricing even more. But you need to call Deborah at 818-642-6632 with your credit card info for multiple copies.

Over more than two decades, we have enjoyed coaching, training and delivering keynotes to audiences of one to a thousand. And we’re not finished yet. With Briefly Speaking you can set yourself apart and stand out. Because our goal is to change the world, one speaker at a time.

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