In 1982, a unique film called Koyaanisqatsi premiered at the Santa Fe Film Festival. In the Hopi language, Koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance," or literally "chaotic life." This film without dialogue visually covered what the filmmakers considered human interference with nature and the subsequent negative consequences. Today, with our political turmoil, climate change and the pandemic, the world once again seems like Koyaanisqatsi.
We practice a form of fitness yoga to center our minds and create energy-- which allows us to be productive. The salutary effect of focusing on your breathing, and only one posture at a time cannot be overstated. For us, yoga removes the noise of today's "chaotic life" and brings clarity into the forefront of our consciousness.
Speakers are often challenged when their topic is replete with data, an abundance of research or has many moving parts. Yet, clarity and simplicity are essential in order to persuade an audience. Once a speaker decides upon a singular intention, it makes the organization of material and selection of examples much easier.
Never fall into the "dumb it down" mode, which only irritates an audience. Listeners don't need to know all the details, just those that will serve the presentation and bring value to the audience. Steve Jobs drove his design and engineering teams to simplify every Apple product. He saw overly complicated computer products in the marketplace and knew that clarity would win the day. When speaking, focus on elegant, simple ideas presented with clarity. And keep breathing.