
Caos - Father And Schoolgirl Working At Home - Telework And E-Learning

We live in the high desert north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Our internet service is one step above smoke signals. This obviously impacts the quality of our video conferencing with clients, whether we are training or delivering webinars and keynotes. After a recent lightning storm fried our router, Deborah quickly hiked to a friend’s house to set up her laptop, ring light and webcam for an individual client session.

But their home was being sold and three inspectors energetically did their job as Deborah’s session began. Two rowdy cats added to the ambiance. Deborah took the advice we give our clients. She activated Krisp, filtering out the ambient noise. She enabled the blur background feature on Zoom to hide the inspectors. And she gave her client the choice of rescheduling.

Mainly, Deborah focused completely on her client and what she wanted to achieve. You will experience this and more, whether you are presenting live or virtually. All that matters is that you create a positive outcome. Put all distractions in the “noise” category and plow ahead. If you’re not distracted or bothered, neither will anyone else. The show must go on.

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