• <strong>Nick Weiss</strong><br>CEO
    We brought in Eloqui to make our team more effective and persuasive communicators. We are always looking for ways to be more clear and influential and become a trusted advisor to every customer. Particularly, we saw opportunities to improve our customer service interactions, which were mostly over phone, email and online chats...

    In three sessions, Deborah and David made a lasting impact. They gave our staff confidence. They taught them to tell stories. And they made the training fun, which was a big deal since the sessions were held on Saturday.

    I sought out Eloqui because I have personally benefited for years after adopting the Eloqui method that I learned as an investment banker. When I started my own company, I had a desire to share those same advantages with my team.
    Nick Weiss
  • <strong>Dave Donchey, CLU</strong><br>President
    From where I sit, the Eloqui training was the single most effective and important “course” I have sat through in my 25-year career… When it comes to practical skills, Deborah and David’s methods are where the rubber meets the road. They know all of the tricks of the trade (what role to play, persuasiveness, how to engage people, closing, etc.) and really teach each person how to be a significant and effective communicator.
    Dave Donchey, CLU
    Leisure Werden & Terry Agency
  • <strong>Jeffrey D. Carroll, CLU</strong>
    I wanted to let you know that I have heard from most all participants in the Own the Room training, and they are giving you rave reviews. In fact, I have never seen the response across the board on any other program of this type that has been provided to help them grow professionally.
    Jeffrey D. Carroll, CLU
    Leisure Werden & Terry Agency
Discover what every successful professional needs to know, but never learned in business school. This signature Eloqui training is targeted one of two ways: communication skills for business development, or improving presentation skills.

Communication skills: If you want to generate more revenue by differentiating your services, be seen as a leader in your industry, and are committed to increasing your client base—choose Own the Room with a primary focus on business development and communication skills.

Presentation Skills: However, if your firm lives or dies on the effectiveness of business presentations, this is your best option. Participants construct and deliver memorable presentations—from crafting unique openings and closes, to the best use of PowerPoint and storytelling. We get it. Every presentation has the potential to set the speaker apart, advance their career, and create more wins for the firm.

Own-the-Room™ is an interactive series of three on-site sessions of four hours each, or two consecutive full days. The ideal size group is 8 – 10 participants. Specific content is determined through an interview process with the contact person. Eloqui provides materials, and each participant receives a digital recording of their exercises.