Rope Wit

A cowboy hat, lariat rope and boots on a wooden plank background

We are amalgams of our experiences and education. The challenge is to assemble a version of ourselves that sustains us and satisfies our need for purpose. One thing is certain; how you communicate is critical.

Will Rogers grew up when Oklahoma was called Indian Territory. A lousy student, he loved rope tricks, had a quick wit and excellent memory. But he knocked around for years, lost and unfocused.

The world is always hungry for folks who exhibit originality and creativity. Look at those experiences over your life that lit you up, you had a knack for, or excelled in. They might live at the edge of your imagination, waiting for you to discover just the right combination.

Rogers found some fame as a trick roper, but when he added wit and observational skills, he became the highest paid film star in Hollywood in 1933. Over his lifetime, Rogers also found success as a political commentator and newspaper columnist. Search for your unique strengths. When you learn to express that “you,” the results will be profound.

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