Suit Up

Last Saturday, Patrick Mahomes, quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs, suffered an ankle injury. That game, against the Jacksonville Jaguars decided who would advance to the Championship round. The next game (later today) determines who plays in the Super Bowl, so the stakes were high.

And although Coach Andy Reid wanted Mahomes to sit out the rest of the game, Mahomes was driven by a singular Intention and insisted he keep playing.

No matter the field of competition, Intention drives all achievers. It’s the core of Eloqui training, and these are our Rules of Intention.

* Have one: For every phone call, business pitch, or presentation, identify a single thing you want to achieve.

* Make it brief: Intention is your tuning fork; brevity makes it easier to recall and stay on track, especially when there's push-back.

* Don’t say your Intention out loud: Announcing what your audience should do or think is counterproductive.

* Make it achievable: An intention should be realistic and measurable.

* Active, not passive: A passive Intention is “I will educate, inform or make them understand.” An active Intention is “I will persuade or convince them to…”

Hobbled and clearly not 100%, Mahomes still convinced Reid that he should return to the game. The Chiefs won 27-20 and are now on their way to the AFC Championship game, playing the Cincinnati Bengals.

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