• <strong>Andrea Gallagher</strong><br>Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®
    My conference was phenomenal. I spoke at 4 sessions. I had a set of ‘groupies’ who followed me to the other 3 after the first one, so I guess I was good!
    Andrea Gallagher
    Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®
    Rethinking Your Future™
  • <strong>Andrew Robert Ko, CISR</strong><br>Account Manager
    I wanted to write to let you both know that I had a very successful speech last night. The feedback I received was “I commanded the room”. I had their attention the whole time and I had the room laughing out loud!
    Andrew Robert Ko, CISR
    Account Manager
    Wells Fargo Insurance
  • <strong>Kevin Long</strong><br>Partner
    Just letting you know that Wendy and I rocked the NCEO Conference last month in Denver…

    For my session, my co-panelists were HORRIBLE!!!! No lie; the worst I have EVER heard. So I didn’t even open my slides. Not one. I just followed the first panelist with a story – a la Bob Newhart, on the phone, reading (made up) client emails, and riffed for 20 minutes on corporate governance. The crowd was so focused on me I was flooded with questions and hangers-on.

    Then I had a guy stop me on the street– 12 blocks away from the hotel and say, "Hey, I heard you speak. You’re a really great speaker; loved both your sessions.
    Kevin Long
    Law firm of Ruthenberg Chang & Long
With a few exceptions, the below described programs will be taught by two Eloqui trainers. Each of the programs can be one-half to one full day, depending on the number of participants, and how deep you want to go into the topic. However, every program is interactive and attendees leave with practical skills they can immediately apply.

Eloqui also offers multiple training discounts.
For Women Only: Speak Out and Achieve your Dreams
You have advanced in many arenas, yet will never achieve your full potential if you avoid public speaking, or follow outdated techniques that don’t reflect your genuine qualities.

Better communication and speaking skills gives you an advantage to seize every opportunity and aspire to new heights. So, whether pitching for business, delivering a talk at a conference, raising money for your favorite non-profit, or communicating one-on-one, you can become a powerful force when you speak with authenticity and confidence.

This interactive workshop debunks the myth that if you’re not an expert, you don’t deserve to speak on a topic, and why being polished and perfect can hurt you. Learn winning tactics to play to your strengths. Led by two female Eloqui trainers.
Media Training: Reach through the Lens and Connect with your Audience
A reporter shoves a microphone in your face and asks for an immediate response... A television host becomes combative and you have to think quickly on your feet… Or, you’ve decided to host your own TV or radio show that requires specific studio skills.

Conducted by a TV/Film director and on-camera host, learn hard-won skills from the professionals’ playbook. No matter the communication venue, you’ll be prepared with technique, safety nets and fallbacks so that you can always perform at the highest level.
Leadership and Executive Presence
Being perceived as a leader, and feeling confident in the role, requires mastering a suite of skills they don’t teach in business school. This includes command presence and how to engineer the impression you want—both internally with your team, and externally with the public, shareholders, and press.

Participants learn to persuade rather than educate; tell compelling stories; use PowerPoint effectively; and engineer the perception that your company or organization is in strong, capable hands. Everything from strategy, wardrobe, and on-camera technique is covered. The result is less prep time with stronger presentations-- at conferences, and addressing your Board of Directors, to working your way up to the C-Suite.
Rehearsal and Delivery Techniques
No one in business has enough time, but you never want to wing an important presentation. Here’s the rub. Too much rehearsal can be as damaging as not enough. The secret is knowing your content without memorizing every word. Take a page from professional speakers and learn to work off an outline. You will also be able to create the feeling of spontaneity, and how to change up if the audience isn’t engaged, or you’re not achieving your objective. These creative methods support you, and guarantee that any presentation sounds fresh, no matter how many times you’ve delivered it.
Managing Anxiety
This universal fear has held back talented, capable professionals, even destroyed careers. Anxiety can damage your delivery, or keep you off the podium entirely. It’s time to face your demons.

In this interactive, supportive workshop, you will employ techniques that performers use to conquer fears and address any audience. Modules include Sense Memory, working off an outline, and most importantly, how to put your attention out on the audience and turn off the critical voice in your head. Embracing anxiety gives you a powerful engine.
Leveraging Improv to Activate Creativity
Speaking from teleprompters or a memorized script keeps you from being present or in the moment. It’s literally impossible to connect with the audience or client. Business pitches are lost. Creativity suffers. And you don’t feel authentic or genuine. There’s no real connection with your audience.

Leveraging the tools and methods of improv allows you to be in the moment while activating your right brain’s creative zone. New muscles and connections are formed so that you can engage an audience without barriers. The added benefit is that you will have the confidence to try out new material, making presenting a pleasure instead of a chore. This module is taught by seasoned improv professionals.
Read and Persuade Any Audience
Meetings, internal communications, and pitches often fail because of communication barriers. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you are speaking different languages, and no matter how often you repeat yourself or communicate with force, they just don’t get it?

When the same thing happens with internal communication, it can damage a career or team. The Eloqui Communication Index was created as an efficient method to accurately assess other communication styles and quickly respond. This allows you to adapt your approach and language. As a result, you will be more persuasive, because you are using language and behavior that connects with whoever you’re speaking to.
Call Center/Customer Service: Professional voice-over skills
Making sales calls or responding to customer service inquiries is difficult. The lack of visual signals puts the service provider at a disadvantage. In this interactive workshop, trainers leverage professional voice-over skills of visualization, interviewing techniques and mastery of voice and diction. These skills give you strength and confidence in the conversation. We add techniques to shorten the curve of being perceived as a Trusted Advisor, so that every conversation positions you well and achieves your intention.
Public Speaking Skills for the Large Stage
A common fallacy is that public speaking in large venues is a quantum leap from day-to-day communication. This training identifies each participant’s strengths and provides the tools to adapt to larger venues. Specific modules include the elements of physical presence and justified movement on a large stage; awareness of sightlines and audience inclusion; as well as the best way to be yourself when all eyes are on you. Participants learn professional actor techniques to appear comfortable and confident in any space, even in the round, when you are surrounded by an audience.
Pitch like a Pro
Let’s face it. Business pitches are show business. And just like the Entertainment Industry, if you don’t set yourself apart, appeal to your audience or have the right talent, your production bombs.

When you and your team are asked to come in and tell the potential client a little about yourself, don’t take the bait. The client doesn’t care about who you are. They only care about what you can do for them.

Eloqui trainers draw from years of experience in film, stage and television, where being able to connect with the audience and telling compelling stories determined success or failure. This training includes the techniques of sharing a team intention, dividing content according to roles, and the art of the hand-off. With an emphasis on impression management, your team will stand head and shoulders above your competition.
Generational Divide: Strategies for Leveraging Talent at all Levels
The business landscape now incorporates three distinct generations: Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials. Successful professional and firms understand that each generation has their own distinct preferences, skill sets, motivations, and what influences their decision-making process.

This presentation provides best practices for leveraging talent at all levels of the firm, as well as how to better engage clients/prospects and includes practical advice on communication, motivation, and cross-generational interactions. The trainer is a successful branding and marketing specialist who speaks across the U.S. on this topic.
Reputation Determines Success
If you lack a good reputation, you lack credibility. If you lack credibility, you lack persuasiveness. If you can't get someone to do what you want, then you've got a long road ahead of you. Building and protecting your reputation through effective communication transcends the medium. Doesn't matter if it's in-person, on the phone, or online. You will learn how to think strategically to be clear, consistent, and convincing.

As the President of a strategic communications firm and as a former business professor, trainer Eden Gillott Bowe has counseled clients and students to achieve their goal and protect their reputations. You'll leave this program understanding why and how to build a solid strategy before you say something you can't take back.
Serving Non-Profits
Fundraising is critical for all non-profit and charitable organizations. Your entire staff needs the skills that attract the investment of time and money to your organization. This program trains the Directors and Managers to inspire and motivate volunteers. We cover meeting facilitation, so everyone participates while the agenda is covered. And we include leadership skills, to keep both volunteers and staff on point.

One of our most popular modules is the Eloqui Communication Index which is used to read and respond to any individual. This one tool gives everyone the ability to be persuasive, solve internal problems, and manage large teams. The result is that any organization is more harmonious, runs smoothly, and exhibits purpose and passion.