That’s My Voice?

Most people recoil when they first hear their voice in a video or voice mail. However, only when we are recorded and played back can we hear ourselves as others do. That's because we are experiencing sound from within-- through our vocal cord vibrations, muscle and inner ear bones, as well as without. In fact, only 38% can immediately identify their own voice when it is played back to them!

Quantified Impressions, a communications analytics firm, just completed new research. They found that the "voice quality" of a speaker was worth more than twice as much as their message. Since we all use our voice to exert influence, this is critical.

Whether you speak publicly, are applying for a new position, or wish to be more effective in your one-on-one communications, start now to eliminate irritating vocal habits. Vocal fry uses the lower range, and makes you sound gravelly... Uptalk is when a speaker ends sentences with upward inflections, indicating a question or uncertainty... And a voice too high or nasal bothers both men and women. To determine the true quality of your voice, record yourself and then listen carefully. Become familiar with your voice and commit to making it a compelling instrument. The effect on others will be dramatic.

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