The Arringatore

Recently, we were wandering through a dusty Etruscan museum in Orvieto, Italy absorbed in the study of ancient artefacts. It’s always fun to wander back in time, imagining what the world was like in 80 BC.

We were struck by a small bronze figure which was a copy of the life-sized famous L’Arringatore. The Etruscan sculpture depicted a high-ranking noble in the Senate with his right arm extended and about to address a crowd. Rather than pointing, the noble’s open hand is welcoming and inclusive. This Orator commanded respect, and when he spoke, people listened.

Remember the Arringatore the next time you step onto a stage. Imagine yourself representing thousands of years of history. From the beginning of time, individuals in leadership roles have delivered pronouncements which advanced their civilization and culture. It is an awesome task and should be approached with courage, humility, and purpose.

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