This is your life

From 1952-1961, Ralph Edwards hosted a hit TV show, This is Your Life. He surprised guests and took them through a retrospective of their lives. The show was broadcast with a studio audience and featured colleagues, friends, and family. The series began with the story of a young, injured soldier. Edwards thought a review of happier times would be a salve to him.

When you’re looking for colorful and meaningful material to insert into a presentation, examine your own life. Consider mentors, relatives, close friends, or events that were turning points. Thoughtfully link them to your presentation content and they will be golden. Done well, they engage an audience and humanize you. As a bonus, they reduce stage fright.

We have two grandnieces in Oklahoma. Harper competed in a track meet while struggling with blowing dust and 40mph winds. Vivian won a statewide poetry contest. These events have not only shaped them, but will provide content they can use to enliven their speaking and inspire others.

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