Waves of Gratitude

Portrait image of a young woman with closed eyes putting hands on her chest in the park

The planet we inhabit has never been under more stress. Mordor has arisen and thrown legions of Orcs into the fray, intent on wiping out goodness. Dictators and their minions shovel disinformation to gain control, wiping out the weak and unprotected.

But even babies know right from wrong and already have a sense of justice in their circuitry. If they’re yours, what they observe and copy is you and how you conduct your life.

Appreciate those people who have made us who we are and shaped our character. Examine the planet we are lucky enough to live on while it still has a cornucopia of riches. And express gratitude. May we dedicate ourselves to be the people we wish others to be, instead of forcing them to our will. Speaking is a gift we have, and with it, we can light up the heavens and people’s hearts. Give thanks.

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