Theater cinema sign. Movie light frame, retro marquee banner on red background. Vector light bulb realistic 3D billboard
Whether you have ambitions to speak at a conference and grow your business, give a TED talk, or raise money for your favorite non-profit, you need strong, well-organized material. But most speakers overlook a compelling title, which is a major factor in booking a presentation, and being recognized as a specialist in your industry.
To package your content, first consider your audience and what would most benefit them. Then create a title that captures their attention and piques their interest or imagination. Berbay Marketing and Public Relations recently posted an article about titles. They noted that many law firms are replacing multiple-names with a single-name title which is easier to recall and sets the firm apart.
Titles are not only critical for speakers. The classic film The Maltese Falcon had four different titles. Scream was called Scary Movie when David first received his script. (He played Drew Barrymore’s father.) Pretty Woman was originally called 3000. And the reason Shawshank Redemption wasn’t more popular was blamed on the confusing title. Eloqui’s motto is “if you educate people you get them to think. But if you persuade them, you get them to act.” Make your titles persuasive and entertaining.