Wrestle like a girl

Wrestling woman

You may be surprised to learn that one of the fastest-growing sports in U.S. high schools is girls’ wrestling*. CBS Sunday Morning featured wrestler Skylar Little Soldier, from Minnesota. She’s ranked as one of the Top 10 Girl’s High School Wrestlers in the country. But Soldier fought to be recognized, even defeating boys her age. Now she’s a vocal role model for girls, enlisting them to join this rough and tumble sport and experience their power and strength.

David was captain of the Oklahoma State Champion wrestling team, and the scholarship he won put him through college. Now, in our Eloqui workshops, attendees compete when doing openings, closings, and storytelling. Not against each other, but with themselves to be better each time they present. Competition fires the synapses, and when supported with specific and positive feedback, growth happens quickly. And being a “good sport” is the mark of a leader.

Create competitions for your team or firm. Make them fun. Foster good sportsmanship, with the knowledge that a winner today may lose tomorrow, similar to the real world. David lost his match in the finals, but supported his team to win the State championship. And together, they all received scholarships. Because it’s not just about winning, but learning what your strengths are and how to make the most of them.

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