Francis Bacon was a philosopher, statesman and scientist. He laid the foundation for the
Age of Enlightenment, an intellectual movement in Europe from 1685 - 1815 that emphasized reason and individualism over tradition and religion.
Bacon also formulated the
Scientific Method, observing facts to study and interpret natural phenomena. He thought observations of nature should be delivered with vividness, emotions, and be as stimulating to the imagination as poetry and fables.
Bacon advised using aphorisms, illustrations, stories, analogies—anything that would deliver verified truths as clearly as a picture. We read his comments in E.O. Wilson’s book Consilience, and it shocked us, because that’s what we’ve been training for over twenty years. But this was written in the 1600’s!
No matter your field of endeavor, deliver your facts with vividness and stories. Spark your audience’s imagination. Touch their emotions. And then place your content into memory as poetry elevates reality.